South East 4x4 Response

Volunteers Serving The Community Since 2008

We are involved in...

Assisting Kent Police

South East 4x4 Response support Kent Police when called to do so, for instance, during periods of inclement weather where 4x4 support is needed to traction assist vehicles during icy or snowy conditions or where chainsaw support is needed to remove trees blocking roads.

Supporting Kent Search and Rescue

South East 4x4 Response support Kent Search and Rescue as needed by providing 4x4 transport for the search teams and carrying out road searches as required to help in the search for missing and vulnerable people.

Supporting Large Community Events

South East 4x4 Response support a range of community events across the year where, for example, 4x4 transport might be needed, road closures or traction assistance during inclement conditions. We also attend a range of events providing 4x4 transport for marshals and equipment.

Providing Humanitarian Aid

South East 4x4 Response provide humanitarian aid support throughout Kent and Medway when called on to do so by a range of organisations, for instance, by Kent and Medway Resilience Forum, Southern Water, parish councils when river flooding occur.

South East 4x4 Response are unable to respond directly to assistance requests from members of the public.

Copyright 2024 |  South East 4x4 Response

Registered Charity 1168367

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